Category Archives: Security

SSL vs TLS: What is the Difference Between SSL and TLS

SSL  is widely used since long to achieve security of data communicated over public networks. In OSI seven layer model, SSL sits between the Application layer and the Transport layer, traditionally seen as part of the Presentation layer. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security) are two very common words which are often… Read More »

CSR Certificate Signing Request: How to Get CA Signed Certificate from CSR File

A CA-signed certificate, also known as a trusted certificate, is a certificate that has been issued and digitally signed by a trusted third-party entity called a Certificate Authority (CA). In order to get a CA signed certificate for a domain, you first need to generate a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) and then follow additional steps… Read More »

SSL Certificate Concepts: How SSL/TLS Works: SSL/TLS Introduction

When transferring any data between a server and client in digital communication, security is always among the major concerns and organizations spend huge sum of money to ensure that information is secured while being transferred over the network. When it comes to transport layer security, SSL/TLS is used to achieve transport level security which first… Read More »

SSL Certificate Chain: SSL/TLS Concepts, Root Certificate, Intermediate and Server Certificate and Chain of Trust Explained

“Dear David, I trust as Mr. Joseph trusts you and It is because Joseph is trusted by the trust-worthy gentleman Mr. Adam.”— When it comes to the SSL based security, this is how a chain of trust is formed and a certificate issued to a server A is trusted because the chain of trust (SSL… Read More »

OAuth 2.0 Introduction: An Overview of How OAuth2 Works?

OAuth 2.0 which is a successor of OAuth 1.0 is a widely used authorization framework (sometimes referred as authorization protocol) which enables third party applications to access protected resources from resource servers on behalf of resource owners in a secured, reliable manner. In this post, I will explain how OAuth works, what are different OAuth… Read More »

OpenSSL Step by Step Tutorial: How to Generate Self Signed Certificate, Keys and CSR Using OpenSSL

OpenSSL is a widely used and a well known open source tool for generating self signed certificates, private keys, CSRs (Certificate Signing Requests) and for converting certificates from one format to another. Other than OpenSSL, Java Key Took is also a commonly used command line tool for certificates, keys and CSRs generation and I have… Read More »

Java keytool Step by Step Tutorial: Generate JKS KeyStore Using keytool and Export Certificate from KeyStore

Java keytool is a command line utility which can be used to generate keystores and then we can export keys and self signed public certificates from it with different command options provided by Java Key Tool. In this step by step Java Keytool tutorial, I will explain how to create a key store using Java… Read More »

Step By Step Tutorial How to Generate Self Signed Certificate Using Portecle

Portecle is a user friendly GUI application for creating, managing and examining keystores, keys, certificates, certificate requests, certificate revocation lists and more. In this tutorial, I will explain step by step process to generate self signed certificate using Portecle. You will learn how we can create keystore and also how we can export public certificate.

How to Enable TLS V 1.2 in TIBCO BW 5

Data integrity and security is among the top concerns when it comes to integrate diverse applications and systems communicating through public internet with significant potential threats from the cyber attackers. To deal with this, SSL is used which is a standard technology for enabling encrypted secured communication between the two parties. SSL has also gone… Read More »

An Overview of One-Way SSL and Two-Way SSL

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is the standard technology used for enabling secure communication between a client and sever to ensure data security & integrity. SSL has evolved with time and several versions have been introduced to deal with any potential vulnerabilities. SSL V2 released in 1995 was the first public version of SSL followed by… Read More »