While developing a Java application, you may come across a scenario where you have a large number of files in a folder which don’t have required naming standards or conventions that you are in need of. In such a situation, you will wish to have a piece of code that can rename all the files in the folder in bulk.
In this post, I am going to write a Java program that will rename all the files in a folder based on the given criteria.
For this example scenario; I have a folder D:\files\ which contain a few files having underscore (_) in the names. My requirement is to have all file names without any underscores and having period (.) instead.
Folder contents as of now are shown below:
Below is the Java Code that I have written for renaming all the files in this folder by replacing _ with .
package bulkrenamer; import java.io.File; /** * * @author Ajmal Hussain */ public class BulkRenamer { public String renameBulk (String folderName, String ReplaceFrom, String ReplaceWith) { try { // This method will rename all files in a folder by chaning ReplaceFrom string with ReplaceWith string File folder=new File(folderName); File[] filesList=folder.listFiles(); for (int i=0; i< filesList.length; i++) { String newName= (filesList[i].toString().replaceAll(ReplaceFrom, ReplaceWith)); filesList[i].renameTo(new File(newName)); } return "Successfully renamed "+filesList.length+" files."; } catch (Exception e) { return (e.getMessage()); } } public static void main(String[] args) { BulkRenamer rn=new BulkRenamer(); String result= rn.renameBulk("D:\\files\\", "_", "."); System.out.println(result); } }
The above Java Class has one public method that is taking a folder name and two other strings as input. It uses second string as a search criteria and replaces it with the third string (in this case second string is _ and third string is .).
After executing the above code in Netbeans IDE, I got below result stating that all the four files in the given directory have been renamed successfully:
Now, If we go to the folder (D:\files\), we can see that all the four files have been renamed by replacing _ with . as shown in below screenshot:
How to process 5GB xml file in Tibco BW and update in to database.
plz explain by using java code and with out java code also.